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포토뷰어 ACDSee 명성을 기억한다면 필수 다운로드! 7달러에서 잠시 무료 이벤트중 ACDSee Pro iOS


acdsee를 아시나요?

포토뷰어 프로그램으로 굉장히 오랜 기간 스테디셀러였던 ACD See는 쾌적한 환경에서 대량의 이미지를 쉽게 볼 수 있던 PC S/W였습니다.

아이폰과 아이패드에서 쓸 수 있는 acdsee Pro 앱이 있는데, 노하우가 워낙 많아 성능이 좋은 앱이라 유료입니다.

그런데 현재 잠시 무료 프로모션 이벤트중이라는 거죠.

무.조.건. 받아야 한다는 뜻입니다.

acdsee pro는 크게 3가지의 기능이 있습니다.

- 촬영, 편집, 콜라쥬 -

앱스토어 설명을 첨부합니다.


Manual Controls 
Precise control of exposure, focus, shutter speed, and white balance.

Shutter Priority
Automatically adjust ISO based on shutter speed. Real-time exposure warning for under and over exposed. 

Selfie Mode
Look your best with skin smoothing and lightening, front flash for dark situations, and a big button to make it easy.

Real-time Filters
24 effects including (mono, tonal, noir, fade, chrome, process, transfer, instant, and more...

Real-time Adjustments
Brightness, contrast, color temperature, vibrance, clarity, skin tune, vignette.

HDR Fusion
Automatically combine three shots taken at different exposures to create a single image with high dynamic range. Manually adjust the brightness and contrast.

Flash Fusion
Uses flash bracketing to combine two photos (one with flash off, one with flash on). Reduce the harshness of the flash with natural illumination.

Exposure Bracketing
Take three shots in succession at different exposures (one brighter and one darker).

Video Mode
Capture those special moments with video and apply filters and adjustments in real-time.

Flash Modes
Off, on, auto, torch, torch and flash mixer. Amazing front flash uses LCD screen to provide illumination.

Touch Focus and Exposure
Touch to select focus and exposure point. For more precise control, independently select focus and exposure points.

Lock AF, AE, WB
Get everything just right, then lock auto focus, auto exposure, and auto white balance.

Auto-crop and Zoom
1:1 (square), 4:3 (standard), 3:2, and 16:9. 6x digital zoom.

Level Indicator
Use the two axis level indicator to line up with the horizon and avoid crooked shots.


Image adjustments including:
- Shadows
- Highlights
- Light EQ
- Fill Light
- Brightness
- Contrast
- Tone EQ
- White Balance
- Saturation
- Vibrance
- Color EQ
- Split Toning
- Sharpness
- Clarity
- Softness
- Denoise
- Skin Tune

Apply a variety of creative effects to your photos including film, light leaks, halftone, and more. 

Bring your subject into focus. Simulate a shallow depth of field by blurring the background.

Adds a vignette effect around the edges of your photo.

Crop, rotate, straighten, and mirror your photo.

Filter Splash
Creatively splash on effects such as selective coloring to draw attention to your subject.

다양한 편집모드를 제공하여, 전문가에게도 아이폰으로 쉽게 사진 편집을 할 수 있게 해줍니다.

각종 필터는 필수! 리얼타임으로 제공됩니다.

뽀샤시 효과도 없어선 안되겠죠

여기에 매뉴얼 컨트롤은 사진 하는 분들껜 정말 환영하는 기능이죠.

현재 잠시 무료인 acdsee pro 다운로드 링크입니다.

